Friday 29 May 2015

Who would you have rather been?

Have you taken a good look at the planet and the entire universe to see if there's anyone like you? Please check. When you're through kindly let me know and i'll show you the obvious difference just in case you saw anyone you thought could adequately and totally replace you. You're one of a kind. A difference to be celebrated. A one-for-all-time special breed loaded with amazing abilities to (of necessity) win. You are an earth without a night, a road without pot-holes, a sweet life without end.

Monday 11 April 2011


No one can feel your passion like you; no one knows it better than you do; though its necessary to listen to wise counsel, the wise counsel doesn’t and shouldn’t replace what you know on the inside; the paths you should go were framed in you before the earth began; so never get confused when you hear one thing on the outside and another on the inside; YOUR LIFE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; let every external counsel be subject to the inner leading(s) you have; God works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure; in other words He causes us to desire (crave for, long for, have passion for ) things that bring unavoidable pleasure to Him; wow! We’re not ordinary; see why you should take that passion of yours seriously? It’s from God; it’s for His pleasure; all things including you are for His pleasure; please remember, your passion is revealed in the things you love to do; the things you catch yourself doing; the things you may do for free; it may even be something others criticize you for; you do these things with little or no external motivation and can go on for a long time with (almost) no aid. Your passion is that thing you always refer to, fall for, rest on or desire uncontrollably.


Another interesting truth is that someone’s passion can put him/her over or down; whereas it’s a very good servant, it doesn't seem to be a very bright leader because it may not tell you of the necessary precautions that may be needed along the path of its fulfillment.
Your passion was meant to give birth to your profession.
Our passions are connected to the deepest parts of us, hence its discovery and proper usage often leads to the outburst of hitherto hidden beauties from us.
Passion knows no fears, it recognizes only the possibility of achieving it. Your passion could be likened to the eyes of your spirit. It shows the essence of your being. I’m not just talking about some flush of emotional excitement that may travel through our being from time to time based on external events, I’m referring to that burning in our hearts that won’t just go away; whether we’re alone or in the crowd;
Don’t be like those who’re living unfulfilled lives; doing what everyone else wants without for one second paying attention to what their own hearts are saying; they read daddy’s course in school, great; they chose mummy’s job, wonderful; they’ve never been able to establish the good things their hearts are communicating to them, always they’ve been at the mercy of someone out there thereby somewhat disconnected from the realities of their heart. Wow! What a life.


Any car without fuel will surely stand still like Joshua’s sun in the Bible till it’s fueled for action; honestly I don’t think man is any different; like the heat in an oven makes it relevant, like the fire in the room-heater makes it significant, so is passion to a man; for a moment, can you imagine a phone without recharge card or worse still a phone without a sim card? I believe anyone functioning outside his passion is almost the same if not completely the same; in every person is a fire that burns with little or no effort from him/her. Passion knows no obstacles, opposition, defeat and failure; no wonder some have said, a person’s passion is tied to his/her purpose; i.e the very burning in his/her heart is an indication of what he/she was born to accomplish in the earth; how true! When passion is on fire, speed is activated. To discover one’s passion is to live in ease. A person’s passion is an indication of the direction his/her life is headed;

One interesting truth is that many may have been taught to ignore this great gift and to focus on what their immediate society count as valuable. For instance, someone is in love with drawing and may want to study arts in the university, his parents may advise him to study medicine with the ideology that the latter is more honorable/lucrative than the former. Little do they know that the honor/wealth isn’t in the work but in the person doing the work. The difference is always clear when one is on a job he loves to do.


Speaking without acting is like starting a car without pedaling it. When legislators make laws the executives carry it out; by speaking we legislate and by acting we execute; to speak and not act is like ordering for a parcel and not collecting it; to act without speaking is like using a machine without greasing, though it may work but not at its best. Imagine a farmer sweating and toiling for his crops to grow when fertilizers are available to make his work easier. Actions give meaning to words and make things real. We are to dream but aren’t to remain dreamers of the same dream(s) for too long without no commensurate and realistic plans on actualizing them; when we act we add feathers to our caps, we progress from seeing to experiencing the seen; there’s nothing we can’t achieve; there’s nothing we can’t become; I’m yet to find anyone who so focused on a project (involving his spirit, soul and body) without succeeding at it and even probably achieving more than he originally bargained for. All the steps to be taken may not be clear from the beginning however I’ve found out that for every step taken the next opens up; we are never in a position where there is no direction, inspiration or progression; even though sometimes, the next move is to wait a while and celebrate achieved victories.


What we say is what we get. To keep talking is to keep moving towards the direction of the said; a talking mouth is an achieving life, a closed one is a closed destiny. To keep quiet is to accept anything that comes; it’s another way of saying whatever will be will be; we can’t resign to fate (whether consciously or unconsciously) in this multi-opportuned world by refusing to emphasize the results we want with our mouth. There’s no neutral ground in life and like my teacher (Pst Chris) will say there’s no middle class; it’s either one is rich or poor; the seeming middle class he says are well decorated poor men; honestly, I’ve made up my mind to either win or win. God calls things that be not as though they were; we are His offsprings made in His image and likeness; made to function like him, meaning He expect us to speak out our dreams; it doesn’t have to be what others expect of us or may want to hear at the time; we don’t have to wait for permission to speak up; we don’t have to keep quiet because someone somewhere says we are making noise or disturbing; the rating of others isn’t our standard because we are the righteousness of God, so we don’t try to be approved by men against the dream(s) we have on the inside; remember how Jesus responded to those who wanted the joyful noise makers to keep quiet during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, ‘if these ones hold their peace these stones will cry out immediately in their place’.


Obviously, the benefits far outweigh the work involved in penning things down especially when it has to do with the DREAMS we intend to accomplish; think about this, what’s the difference between one who can write yet doesn’t and one who can’t? Many a great men I know hardly move without a ‘pen and paper’ within their reach, so that should there be any idea that crosses their mind it’s quickly recorded to avoid any mix-ups.