Monday 11 April 2011


Any car without fuel will surely stand still like Joshua’s sun in the Bible till it’s fueled for action; honestly I don’t think man is any different; like the heat in an oven makes it relevant, like the fire in the room-heater makes it significant, so is passion to a man; for a moment, can you imagine a phone without recharge card or worse still a phone without a sim card? I believe anyone functioning outside his passion is almost the same if not completely the same; in every person is a fire that burns with little or no effort from him/her. Passion knows no obstacles, opposition, defeat and failure; no wonder some have said, a person’s passion is tied to his/her purpose; i.e the very burning in his/her heart is an indication of what he/she was born to accomplish in the earth; how true! When passion is on fire, speed is activated. To discover one’s passion is to live in ease. A person’s passion is an indication of the direction his/her life is headed;

One interesting truth is that many may have been taught to ignore this great gift and to focus on what their immediate society count as valuable. For instance, someone is in love with drawing and may want to study arts in the university, his parents may advise him to study medicine with the ideology that the latter is more honorable/lucrative than the former. Little do they know that the honor/wealth isn’t in the work but in the person doing the work. The difference is always clear when one is on a job he loves to do.

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