Monday 11 April 2011


What we say is what we get. To keep talking is to keep moving towards the direction of the said; a talking mouth is an achieving life, a closed one is a closed destiny. To keep quiet is to accept anything that comes; it’s another way of saying whatever will be will be; we can’t resign to fate (whether consciously or unconsciously) in this multi-opportuned world by refusing to emphasize the results we want with our mouth. There’s no neutral ground in life and like my teacher (Pst Chris) will say there’s no middle class; it’s either one is rich or poor; the seeming middle class he says are well decorated poor men; honestly, I’ve made up my mind to either win or win. God calls things that be not as though they were; we are His offsprings made in His image and likeness; made to function like him, meaning He expect us to speak out our dreams; it doesn’t have to be what others expect of us or may want to hear at the time; we don’t have to wait for permission to speak up; we don’t have to keep quiet because someone somewhere says we are making noise or disturbing; the rating of others isn’t our standard because we are the righteousness of God, so we don’t try to be approved by men against the dream(s) we have on the inside; remember how Jesus responded to those who wanted the joyful noise makers to keep quiet during his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, ‘if these ones hold their peace these stones will cry out immediately in their place’.

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