Monday 11 April 2011


Speaking without acting is like starting a car without pedaling it. When legislators make laws the executives carry it out; by speaking we legislate and by acting we execute; to speak and not act is like ordering for a parcel and not collecting it; to act without speaking is like using a machine without greasing, though it may work but not at its best. Imagine a farmer sweating and toiling for his crops to grow when fertilizers are available to make his work easier. Actions give meaning to words and make things real. We are to dream but aren’t to remain dreamers of the same dream(s) for too long without no commensurate and realistic plans on actualizing them; when we act we add feathers to our caps, we progress from seeing to experiencing the seen; there’s nothing we can’t achieve; there’s nothing we can’t become; I’m yet to find anyone who so focused on a project (involving his spirit, soul and body) without succeeding at it and even probably achieving more than he originally bargained for. All the steps to be taken may not be clear from the beginning however I’ve found out that for every step taken the next opens up; we are never in a position where there is no direction, inspiration or progression; even though sometimes, the next move is to wait a while and celebrate achieved victories.

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