Monday 11 April 2011


No one can feel your passion like you; no one knows it better than you do; though its necessary to listen to wise counsel, the wise counsel doesn’t and shouldn’t replace what you know on the inside; the paths you should go were framed in you before the earth began; so never get confused when you hear one thing on the outside and another on the inside; YOUR LIFE IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY; let every external counsel be subject to the inner leading(s) you have; God works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure; in other words He causes us to desire (crave for, long for, have passion for ) things that bring unavoidable pleasure to Him; wow! We’re not ordinary; see why you should take that passion of yours seriously? It’s from God; it’s for His pleasure; all things including you are for His pleasure; please remember, your passion is revealed in the things you love to do; the things you catch yourself doing; the things you may do for free; it may even be something others criticize you for; you do these things with little or no external motivation and can go on for a long time with (almost) no aid. Your passion is that thing you always refer to, fall for, rest on or desire uncontrollably.

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