Monday 11 April 2011


Always remember, the world we live in is determined by the size of our dream. So dream and dream big.

God thinks you’re worth your big dreams; he thinks you’re qualified to have them.

When your mind can ask how am I going to achieve this dream, then know you got it made; when your reasoning just can’t figure it out, it’s time to celebrate because you just made a significant change in your world; we are possibility conscious, so there’s no picture we see on the inside we can’t achieve; a man of God said, as far as his mind can conceive it, it’s already done; wow! We know who we are; it’s not too much for you to have what you’re thinking about right now; think about it; God considers you good enough to identify with, He considers you big enough to house Him, He considers you useful enough to be His ambassador and obedient enough to be His messenger; others may not have told you and they are not supposed to tell you if you don’t wake up and discover it for yourself because you are no man’s responsibility but the truth remains that you are bigger than these optical eyes can see; you deserve the best; nothing is too good for you; no end there is of our ambits; we were so made; you are a possessor,a dominator; you aren’t the one begging for or arguing over space or land; oh no.

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