Monday 11 April 2011


A very good friend of mine defined a dream as an image in the mind that affects one’s emotions, thoughts and will; a picture one has of where he’s going and what he wants to be; anyone can dream as far as he can imagine. So far I don’t know of any law against dreaming. Feel free to exercise the independence of your mind; you offend no one when you dream and even if someone gets offended by your dream it doesn’t make your dream wrong, chances are the dream is just too high for his/her level of comprehension. You need no permission to have large plans; your achievements are a fruit of how much you identify with the infinite productivity within you; it’s been said that what you can see you can seize; a famous musician R Kelly sang ‘there are miracles I must achieve but first it starts inside of me’; we aren’t trying to be big or do big things; we were so born only that many folks haven’t been so taught. We are gods; your dreams should be bigger than the natural mind can understand; we are products of wonder and aren’t supposed to settle for what has been generally accepted as possible; we have our unique possibilities to establish in the earth; we aren’t photocopies neither are we the replica of any man; our dreams should be so big that it requires more than our present income to realize.

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