Monday 11 April 2011


When ideas from inside are written down for the eyes to see (and read) it forms a stronger impression on the mind and gives it freedom to think afresh.

Creative people allow for new thoughts and increased in-flow of inspiration by ‘putting their pen to work’. Writing things down makes strategic thinking, systematic planning and organized actions easier; it’s a skill used by intelligent people.

Even God has a book where He writes names down; if anyone didn’t need to write, it’s Him and if He writes it must also be expedient for us to follow suit. Also when we write our dreams down, it communicates better to those who may contribute to its fulfillment.

The mind that reads what it writes has a greater influence over circumstances that may want to oppose the actualization of what’s written and is in a better position to cooperate with advantages when they show up. Writing leaves records and patterns for posterity to follow; I believe its our responsibility to ensure the oncoming and upcoming generation have legacies they can confidently trust and live their lives by; this is one of the invaluable benefits of writing; it preserves life (in form of books) and makes continuity a lot much easier for those who’ll be here after us.

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